Ben Fok

  • Fabi_annnnnnnhas quoted2 years ago
    You may not need so much ready cash, especially if you are still a good way ahead of your retirement age. We recommend you save three months’ salary. First, some of this money can be invested in financial assets such as bonds and unit trusts, since they can be liquidated almost any time, with little or no penalty. Second, if you have a working spouse, there should be sufficient “back-up” income in the event of an emergency.
  • Anja Perechas quoted4 months ago
    you buy 100 shares of A’s common stock, you would own 100 per cent of the company, where “n” is the total number of common stock shares.
  • Anja Perechas quoted4 months ago
    f you buy 100 shares of A’s common stock, you would own 100 per cent of the company, where “n” is the total number of common stock shares. As a stockholder, you have a residual claim on the
  • Anja Perechas quoted4 months ago
    Beware of inflation. The longer you leave your money in a fixed deposit, the higher the risk of inflation eating away the purchasing power of your money. Money market investments are safest when the money is needed in the short term.
  • Anja Perechas quoted4 months ago
    of inflation. The longer you leave your money in a fixed deposit, the higher the risk of inflation eating away the purchasing power of your money. Money market investments are safest when the money is needed in the short term
  • Anja Perechas quoted4 months ago
    Beware of inflation. The longer you leave your money in a fixed deposit, the higher the risk of inflation eating away the purchasing power of your money. Money market investments are safest when the money is needed in the short term.
  • Anja Perechas quoted4 months ago
    Beware of inflation. The longer you leave your money in a fixed deposit, the higher the risk of inflation eating away the purchasing power of your money. Money market investments are safest when the money is needed in the short term. The very same safe investments become high-risk
  • Anja Perechas quoted4 months ago
    Stocks are on the opposite track. They are high-risk investments in the short-term, but are lower-risk investments in the long-term:
  • Anja Perechas quoted4 months ago
    Despite receiving consistently favourable risk ratings by Political and Economic Risk Consultancy, Ltd
  • Anja Perechas quoted4 months ago
    investor can construct a diversified portfolio and eliminat
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