Andrew White

  • Ivana Molinahas quoted3 months ago
    of the topics above will burn you, I respect your decision to step away. Actually, I admire you—I’ve never been so careful.
  • Anastasiya Mukhinahas quoted3 months ago
    Sometimes I pretend my fear is a little rabbit in my chest. It’s the sort of rabbit my brother’s school tests their techniques on, with grey fur and dark eyes, and it hides underneath my sternum beside the heart
  • Anastasiya Mukhinahas quoted3 months ago
    Flesh and bone make more sense to me than the people they add up to.
  • Anastasiya Mukhinahas quoted3 months ago
    How cruel is it, that I only get to be myself as a costume? I do not get to savor the masculine cut of my clothes, or the illusion of short hair, or the fleeting joy of my skin feeling like mine. Instead, I have to worry if my boyhood is convincing enough to keep me safe.
  • Anastasiya Mukhinahas quoted3 months ago
    I peel at the edge of the world around the piece of statue. It comes too easily. With just a gesture, the world ripples the way a puddle would when you step into it, thrums like the bobbing of a swallowing throat
  • Anastasiya Mukhinahas quoted3 months ago
    There are lots of things my family shouldn’t have done to me
  • Anastasiya Mukhinahas quoted3 months ago
    When I see my body through Mrs. Forrester’s eyes, it’s misshapen. It’s ugly
  • Anastasiya Mukhinahas quoted3 months ago
    I want to peel off all my skin, if only so I could be anything other than a naked body, something horrifying instead of vulnerable. Nobody looks at a pig corpse and thinks it could be made beautiful
  • Anastasiya Mukhinahas quoted3 months ago
    It is only when I step back to see it all through another’s eyes that I want to unravel it and carve the meat into a new, different, more acceptable shape. The only thing that will ever matter is how others see you
  • Anastasiya Mukhinahas quoted3 months ago
    To separate how you are seen from who you are sometimes feels nigh impossible
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