Lorelei murmurs something that might sound like hostile work environment under her breath.
lerontretyakhas quoted2 years ago
People whisper around me a lot, like because I’m quieter, that means I can’t hear either.
lerontretyakhas quoted2 years ago
all moments with Bennett are significant. He is the consistent bookmark to all the fantastic, exciting, and wonderfully miserable moments in my life.
lerontretyakhas quoted2 years ago
I am currently in love with, have always been in love with, and will continue to be in love with my best friend, Bennett Walker Shaw. I don’t know when it started, and I don’t know when it will end. But, God, it’d better be soon.
lerontretyakhas quoted2 years ago
I never know what to wish for, so I just hope for Ruby’s wish to come true instead.
lerontretyakhas quoted2 years ago
“What are you doing?” “I’m making one for me too.” “Isn’t pink too girlie for you?” “Nothing with you is too anything.”
lerontretyakhas quoted2 years ago
Just because he stuck around and her mom didn’t doesn’t make him a hero.
lerontretyakhas quoted2 years ago
“Bennett?” “Hmm?” “If you could do anything tonight, what would you do?” Kiss you. “I don’t know,” I say. “Something daring.” Kiss you.