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The Conrad Press

  • Talia Garzahas quoted4 months ago
    I like to have an informal chat before an on-camera interview to break the ice, but they were a tough crowd, as they say in showbiz. I knew they were passionate followers of the communist Titan Karl Marx, however I didn’t expect them to be utterly brainwashed and unable to converse about anything other than the late Mr K and his anti-capitalist musings.
  • Talia Garzahas quoted4 months ago
    launched into a rant about how her life was dedicated to: ‘the overthrow of capitalism through a socialist revolution,’ and how her earthly duty was: ‘to smash the hated the class system. I don’t care what my mother and father think, my duty is to follow the philosophies of Karl Marx,’ she parroted.
  • Talia Garzahas quoted4 months ago
    Another female fighter, Ruken, delivered a tirade about the evils of capitalism and then revealed she was a sniper – she’d shot a Turkish soldier dead earlier in the day.
  • Talia Garzahas quoted4 months ago
    The male fighters were equally hooked on Marx. My attempt to lighten the mood with a chat about a recent Real Madrid-Barcelona football game fell on deaf ears. Marx meant more to them than Messi.
  • Talia Garzahas quoted4 months ago
    I understood their rock solid commitment to the cause, but their aloofness was strange to me because Kurds in general tend to be sociable and inquisitive in the company
  • Talia Garzahas quoted4 months ago
    For sure, being constantly bombed by Turkish warplanes and witnessing companions being shot or blown to bits would have taken a severe mental toll, but as we wrapped up filming I couldn’t fathom why they were so downcast.
  • Talia Garzahas quoted4 months ago
    so downcast.
    Something wasn’t quite right.
    I concluded their general melancholy was because there was no clear end to their war against the Turks; no demob day to look forward to.
  • Talia Garzahas quoted4 months ago
    They were pretty much locked in for years. Leave was very limited and they risked being shot by their own comrades if they deserted.
  • Talia Garzahas quoted4 months ago
    of foreigners, especially a Western reporter and cameraman.
    For su
  • Talia Garzahas quoted4 months ago
    If the melancholy young men and women we met in the Taurus Mountains were effectively prisoners and perhaps being
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