The pout of his thin lips provoked an urge to tease him with everything I had in my arsenal as well as a conflicting urge to give him everything in my heart, my world.
Nityam Nepalhas quoted6 months ago
It is so difficult to try to say what I intend.
jaahas quoted2 months ago
To those who are not kind to you, who do not respect you—don’t bother being polite to them in return. Even in demeaning situations, you can at least hold on to some of your dignity.
jaahas quoted2 months ago
Even if we can’t change the situation, we need to push back a little to protect our dignity from the worst kind of people.
jaahas quoted2 months ago
What gives bullies strength isn’t their position, but the helpless politeness of the bullied.
Their strength is you letting them to hurt you. That's is why if it's necessary try to fight back and don't let them ruin You.
jaahas quoted2 months ago
When only numbers are sought, true value is forgotten.
jaahas quoted2 months ago
First, when someone criticizes you, keep in mind that this is only an individual’s opinion—and the individual in question is not exactly King Solomon or Sigmund Freud.
jaahas quoted2 months ago
These insults come from a compulsion to feel superior, to compensate for a sense of inferiority, and to validate one’s existence.
jaahas quoted2 months ago
If you don’t wipe the grease spot off your own camera lens, the whole world will be smudged forever.
jaahas quoted2 months ago
What he should really feel ashamed of isn’t his lack of success but that he has done nothing except make excuses for himself.