
Josh Reynolds

  • Angelicahas quoted2 years ago
    Then he sighed and said, 'My brothers challenge me. And as the challenged, the battlefield and weapons are mine to choose' He smiled.
  • Prisoner of Warhammerhas quoted3 months ago
    What use the weapon forged without the hand to wield it? It needs more than a mighty weapon to make a mighty warrior! Even if the metal is strong, how shall it prevail if the flesh that bears it is unready?
  • Prisoner of Warhammerhas quoted3 months ago
    doubt is the first chink in the armour of righteousness.
  • Prisoner of Warhammerhas quoted3 months ago
    It is by faith that men prove themselves,’ he said. ‘It is through trust that men are made brothers.
  • Prisoner of Warhammerhas quotedlast month
    It is easier to understand the tests the enemy places before us than those posed by a friend.
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