
Elizabeth Lowell

New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Lowell has more than eighty titles published to date with over twenty-four million copies of her books in print. She lives in the Sierra Nevada Mountains with her husband, with whom she writes novels under a pseudonym. Her favorite activity is exploring the Western United States to find the landscapes that speak to her soul and inspire her writing.


Abigail Herrerahas quoted2 years ago
No encontró otra solución que aguantar y, luego, seguir aguantando.
Abigail Herrerahas quoted2 years ago
- ¿Dónde te duele? -repitió con impaciencia.
- No me duele.
Abigail Herrerahas quoted2 years ago
- No -susurró Jessica-. Le robó el alma. ¿No la oyes gritar? Escucha. Es el grito de una mujer recién condenada.
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