
Elena Armas

  • Naomyhas quoted2 years ago
    ecause his words were, without a doubt in my mind, the most beautiful thing I would ever hear said about me. To me. And for me.
  • Naomyhas quoted2 years ago
    “Everything that had happened hurt me, left a scar, but it didn’t break me.”
  • b7299830092has quoted2 years ago
    Because when I finally take those lips in mine, it will be the furthest thing from pretending. I will not be showing you what it would be like if you were mine. I’ll show you what it is. And I sure as hell won’t be showing how good I could make you feel if you called me yours. You’ll already know that I am
  • b7299830092has quoted2 years ago
    Rosie: SAY IT. SAY IT OUT LOUD. Say. It.
    Lina: Chill, Edward Cullen
  • Pavithra Sreedharhas quotedlast year
    When I finally kiss you, there won’t be any doubt in your mind that it is real.
  • Harriethas quotedlast year
    ’m simply saving it for someone who’s worth it.”
  • Harriethas quotedlast year
    “I’ve never been scared to work for something, Catalina. Even when all odds are against me.”
  • Harriethas quotedlast year
    “You can trust me,
  • Harriethas quotedlast year
    “You are not on your own anymore. It’s you and me now. We are in this together, and we’ve got this.”
  • Harriethas quotedlast year
    Where my sis was this puzzle piece that fit anywhere at the first try, I had always seemed to struggle with finding my place. Somehow, I always managed to be missing a little corner or have an extra edge that pushed me to keep trying somewhere I might fit better. That pushed me to keep looking for that place to call home. Because that was no longer Spain for me. But neither was New York as much as I had Rosie and a career I was proud of. It had always felt … a little lonely. Incomplete.
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