We know that nature has veered into the supernatural by fabricating a creature that cannot and should not exist by natural law, and yet does.
Despandrihas quoted2 years ago
“Can one really believe in determinism without going insane?”
Despandrihas quoted2 years ago
You would then know the horror and know that you know it.
Despandrihas quoted2 years ago
“I am nothing but a human puppet” and continue to live as he or she had lived before?
Despandrihas quoted2 years ago
In the recumbence of depression, your information-gathering system collates its intelligence and reports to you these facts: (1) there is nothing to do; (2) there is nowhere to go; (3) there is nothing to be; (4) there is no one to know.
Despandrihas quoted2 years ago
We have already weathered torrents of knowledge we were not meant to know yet were doomed to know. But how much more can we take? How will the human race feel about knowing that there is no human race—that there is no one? Would this be the end of the greatest horror tale ever told
Despandrihas quoted2 years ago
“he who hasn’t experienced a full depression alone and over a long period of time—he is a child.”
Despandrihas quotedlast year
As consciousness gives us the sense of being persons, our psychophysiology is responsible for making us into personalities who believe the existential game to be worth playing.
Despandrihas quoted6 months ago
Can one really believe in determinism without going insane?