
Kass Morgan

  • Wajihahas quoted3 months ago
    For the past ten months, he’d been consumed with agonizing worries about what was happening to her in Confinement. Was she getting enough to eat? Was she finding ways to stay occupied? Stay sane? While Confinement would be brutal for anyone, Bellamy knew that it’d be infinitely worse for O.
  • Wajihahas quoted3 months ago
    But Bellamy had been doing stupid things his whole life, and he had no intention of stopping now.
  • Wajihahas quoted3 months ago
    making the flecks of gold in her green eyes appear to glow.
  • b2155815048has quotedlast month
    Everyone was pointing upward at the sky, which was turning into a symphony of color.

    First, orange streaks appeared in the blue, like an oboe joining a flute, turning a solo into a duet. That harmony built into a crescendo of colors as yellow and then pink added their voices to the chorus. The sky darkened, throwing the array of colors into even sharper relief. The word sunset couldn’t possibly contain the meaning of the beauty above them, and for the millionth time since they’d landed, Wells found that the words they’d been taught to describe Earth paled in comparison to the real thing.
  • b2155815048has quotedlast month
    Bellamy squinted up at the sunrise. He’d always assumed those ancient poets had been full of shit, or at least had much better drugs than he’d ever tried. But they were right. It was crazy to watch the sky go from black to gray and then explode into streaks of color. It didn’t make him want to break out into song or anything, but then again, Bellamy had never been the artistic type.
  • b7919436145has quoted8 months ago
    There was no one else he really cared about ever seeing again.

    But then he glanced over at Clarke, who was leaning over to breathe in the scent of a bright-pink flower, the sun catching the gold strands in her hair, and suddenly he wasn’t so sure.
  • b7919436145has quoted8 months ago
    Clarke felt like she was melting into his arms, losing herself in the kiss.

    He tasted like joy, and joy tasted better on Earth.
  • b7919436145has quoted4 months ago
    She forgot that her improvised swimming outfit was going to be see-through whenever she emerged from the water.

    “I think the radiation must’ve finally scrambled your brain.”

    Clarke twisted around and saw Bellamy looking at her with a combination of surprise and amusement. His familiar smirk had returned.
  • melhas quoted10 months ago
    Bellamy nodded slowly. “I’m sorry.” She started to tremble, and he instinctively pulled her into his arms. For a long moment they just stood there, Bellamy holding Clarke’s shaking form tight against him. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered into her hair.
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