You’ve convinced yourself you don’t want it, because you think you don’t deserve it.
ygmhas quoted13 days ago
Officially having each other’s numbers—and in a much nicer context than demanding dry cleaning—felt somehow romantic.
ygmhas quoted15 days ago
I didn’t let myself understand. My whole life, I’ve waited to feel like this.”
Jordan’s mouth parted. “Like what, Parker?”
Another step. “Like this. The way I feel when I’m with you. Like I’m twelve years old and going through my first crush. Like I might explode if I don’t see you, talk to you. Like I don’t care about anything else in this whole messed-up world but what you think about me. Feel about me.
ygmhas quoted16 days ago
Are we talking about the same woman? Tattoos? New York City attitude for days? A general disdain for clothes in any shade lighter than the ninth circle of hell?
ygmhas quoted17 days ago
She was going to act instead of all this constant, exhausting thinking.
Gabriela Carrillohas quoted2 years ago
But love doesn’t always think through the details. Sometimes, love just does.
Gabriela Carrillohas quoted2 years ago
Those bombs Meredith had dropped, they left scars. Deep ones, carved into Jordan’s heart, lungs, brain, blood, and she’d spent nearly a year in therapy trying to heal them to no avail.
Gabriela Carrillohas quoted2 years ago
Never before doesn’t mean never ever.
Gabriela Carrillohas quoted2 years ago
“Because,” Astrid had mumbled. “She left you like you didn’t mean anything. And you do. You mean something.”
Gabriela Carrillohas quoted2 years ago
Jordan tilted her head at Astrid. “You don’t strike me as the swearing type.”
Astrid lifted a hand and let it fall back down, slapping against her leg. “Why does everyone always say that? I swear just like anyone else.”