Couldn’t you just drink some of a person’s blood, then walk away?” “I can’t believe you’re asking me this, Snow. You, who can’t walk away from half a sandwich.”
Carlos Sarabiahas quoted2 days ago
falls asleep in the middle of telling me about a song she’s heard, a song she thinks will be a spell someday, though I can’t think of any use for “Call me maybe.”
Carlos Sarabiahas quoted2 days ago
I’d trade my pixie for your vampire any day of the week. There’s no anathema to keep someone from being lethally irritating.”
Carlos Sarabiahas quoted3 days ago
Let hardship sharpen your blade, Simon.”
Swati Dubeyhas quoted3 years ago
I’ve got you now, I think. I’ve finally got you where I want you.
Swati Dubeyhas quoted3 years ago
Snow stands again when I walk into our Greek classroom. I take my seat without looking his way. “Enough, Snow, I’m not the Queen.”
Todotraumas Kunhas quoted3 years ago
Baz grins, then leans over and kisses my neck. (I have a mole there; he treats it like a target
Todotraumas Kunhas quoted3 years ago
How did you bring my fall? I stopped the Humdrum myself.”
Baz looks back at his phone, bored. “Fell in love, didn’t you