bookmate game
Jaclyn Moriarty

The Extremely Inconvenient Adventures of Bronte Mettlestone

  • b1097715912has quoted3 years ago
    what an extreme lack of insight meant
  • b1097715912has quoted3 years ago
    The boys seemed to speak to each other in this suddenly fierce way sometimes. I found it strange and alarming. But Connor shrugged, not seeming to mind at all.
  • b1097715912has quoted3 years ago
    In case you need it spelled out for you, I was anxious about my trip
  • b1097715912has quoted3 years ago
    was one of those. Then there are adults like Mr Ridgeway, who address children
  • b1097715912has quoted3 years ago
    as white and damp as the flesh of an apple
  • Cris Lohas quoted5 years ago
    It was the first time I’d heard her laugh, and it was different from all the other aunts’ laughter: a sweet laugh, like a little phrase of music in a simple, major key.
  • Cris Lohas quoted5 years ago
    But this meant that Aunt Sue couldn’t concentrate, Aunt Emma sobbed, Aunt Claire worked extra hard, Aunt Sophy hugged baby dragons, Aunt Nancy was cross – the Whispering King had been furious with grief when his wife died, I had read in Uncle Nigel’s history book – Aunts Maya and Lisbeth told stories, Aunt Alys was quiet, and Aunt Carrie—
  • Cris Lohas quoted5 years ago
    The sky was still blue, but the softer blue of twilight now, as if it was getting sleepy.
  • Cris Lohas quoted5 years ago
    Disappointment like cold tea spread all around my body, down my arms to my fingertips, down my legs to my toenails.
  • Cris Lohas quoted5 years ago
    Then everyone would come back on board with bags full of souvenirs, faces flushed from the windy shore, brimming with stories of their day.
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