I invent my own vision, neither “natural” nor ‘normal’ nor ‘objective’, but real as it surges from desire, and comprehensible if one forgets whatever institutions have taught us to understand.
Alexandra Lavrovahas quoted8 years ago
To tear apart the economic dependence of the cinema of huge crowds, huge budgets, huge means, huge consumption, huge dependency. To tear apart the illustrative images, hostages of the social tales merchandised by the capitalist film industry.
Alexandra Lavrovahas quoted8 years ago
To shatter the mirror of the fabricated woman, the passive actress, the one who obeys, the one who accepts being manipulated, the one who mediates for a stranger’s orgasm.
Alexandra Lavrovahas quoted8 years ago
So little is know about women’s art because male historians have little interest in recording what women have created and achieved
Alexandra Lavrovahas quoted8 years ago
‘I paint with my prick’ said Renoir – only too true……
Alexandra Lavrovahas quoted8 years ago
WE REJECT IT. WE SAY NO TO EMPTY ABSTRACTIONS, to the ‘art for art’s sake’ philosophy of the privileged white middle-class male artworld.
Alexandra Lavrovahas quoted8 years ago
Our century has tried to make art a part of reality, but the reality in our culture is cross, exploitative, capitalistic reality and our function as artists should be to expose the sickness of this culture and NOT to embrace it.
Alexandra Lavrovahas quoted8 years ago
Commercial life is the enemy of art and art cannot accept its visual signs as part of our language.
Alexandra Lavrovahas quoted8 years ago
The term “avant-garde” referring as it does to military nomenclature is aggressive-militaristic in origin, and avant-garde notions in art are masculinised versions of revolt, clearly contained within a masculinised status quo.
Alexandra Lavrovahas quoted8 years ago
The sourball of every revolution: after the revolution, who’s going to pick up the garbage on Monday morning?